Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Allingham & Kraspedon: Back In Print

Good news for fans of Contactee cases both old and massively controversial! Tim Beckley's Global Communications company has just released a new book. Titled From the Golden Age of Flying Saucers, it contains reprints of two absolute classic Contactee titles: Flying Saucer From Mars by Cedric Allingham, and Dino Kraspedon's My Contact With Flying Saucers.

As devotees of all-things long-haired and Space-Brotherly will know, both Allingham and Kraspedon were highly intriguing characters - for very different reasons!

But, if you're not aware of the reasons behind those controversies, well, you're in for a big treat because the book contains new Introductions to each title, that provide some highly entertaining and juicy nuggets of data on the pair!

Here's the link to the book, which is now available on Amazon.

And, since it has been years since I read these definitively odd classics (which Tim Beckley generously mailed to me), I'm going to re-read the whole thing, and will be doing a big online review when I have done so.


  1. Thank heavens for Tim Beckley and his dedication to bringing these almost forgotten books back into print. We can never learn anything about the UFO phenomenon unless we are also knowledgeable about past events. And if I do say so myself, the cover graphic on this book also rocks!

  2. Tim
    Yep, the early years (whatever people think of the credibility, or not, of some of the early cases) are sadly unknown to many within Ufology, and it is indeed good that Tim continues to highlight this era.
    Yeah, the cover definitely captures the times!
